I collected this adult Barn Owl after an rta.She was x rayed and found to have a badly dislocated shoulder joint and sadly had to be put to sleep. She was the most unusual colour, pure white apart from very faint ginger markings and deep blue eyes.
This sleepy otter cub was found on the road side near Kelk, East Yorkshire and taken into the vets. I went over to have a look and see what could be done. She had a badly broken back leg and was very flat. I took her carefully across for Andy at Battleflatts vets to examine. On close examination of her x rays we found she had spinal and pelvic damge and think a car had run right over her.She was quietly put to sleep.Putting a wild animal to sleep after exploring all possibilities should not be thought of as a negative. Difficult yes, but a kindness when the casualty would find the treatment long and stressful or would not survive in the wild.
It seems so sad that many of your stories are vehicle related - how can we encourage drivers to be more careful?