This fight wounded badger came in from one of the local villages in a thin , poor way. He was stoddy with infection and needed cleaning up. He was taken by the RSPCA to Battlflatts vets at Stamford Bridge to be knocked out and his wounds bathed. He was difficult to anesthetise as wild creatures often are . He came here for rehab and needed antibiotics and feeding up. He was very thin but with good teeth. He fed well but was very nervous and wild and rehab was hard for him.
The wounds healed well, I hid the meds in his food and he did well.
I released him back to the outskirts of his territory, where he left the travelling box without a backward glance. Always good to get them back home.
This boar was visiting a garden where they are nightly fed. A tight snare was caught around his neck rubbing the skin sore, causing infection. The kind householders knew he was in trouble and e mailed me some pictures. They sourced a cage trap and spent 2 nights trying to catch him.
They managed to get him in the end and he was taken to the vets for removal. He came here for rehab and was given a course of antibiotics.
Here he is looking round the pen on arrival.
I sneaked a look in the pen at 6am one morning and caught him relaxing !
He was in beautiful condition , no doubt due to the caring people that fed him on his nightly visits to their garden.
He healed well and arrangements were made to return him.
He knew where he was on return and shot from the travelling box under a hedge and out into the wood and his sett beyond. We could hear him crashing through the under growth on his determined and fast dash for home.
I hear he returned 2 days later for his supper .
My thanks to all involved.
This fine young Buzzard is here recovering . She was found downed near Beverley. She has had x rays etc and has swollen kidneys, they press on the nerves affecting her stance.
She is in good condition but wobbly
legged and refusing to eat.
Buzzards are one of the wildest birds of prey and I'm tube feeding her and tit bit feeding. She accepts and eats and I'm being minimal and at last today she has eaten some rabbit.
She may have been poisoned as she has no injuries/shot etc.
Buzzards are badly persecuted here in North Yorkshire, I've had them in shot, trapped and poisoned. If anyone is concerned about bird of prey persecution and knows details do speak to local police, rspb , or me.
A Little Egret was found near Spurn. The bird was not a flyer and skeletal thin. It came here and was rehydrated and x rayed by Mark Naguib at Battleflatts vet.
She had a broken clavicle/ collar bone , bruising and damage to her air sacs. We think she must have flown into something , hurricane Bertha may be responsible for this one. She was slight fairy thing , she was tube fed and stalked about the shed . Sadly she was laid quietly dead next morning. We did a p.m. and she had just gone without food for too long . A beautiful bird to see close up.
I've been in court with badger diggers who were found at an active sett near Leeds. A working terrier emerged from the sett wearing a locator collar with its bottom jaw bloodily rearranged by the badgers below. On their mobile phones were horrific images and video of badger , fox and deer torture.
One was sent to prison the other got a suspended sentence.
My grateful thanks once again to PC Andy Katkowski and his team at Wetherby for hard work, diligence and attention to detail.
If you see or know of anyone involved in wildlife persecution please get in touch and if it is happening now then ring 999 and let the police come and deal with them.