Thursday, 26 January 2012

Imprisonment for Badger Baiters.

The badger baiting gang were given some serious sentencing at Scarboro Magistrates Court.
4 were sent down for 16 weeks, the reality is 8 weeks inside.The 2 who pleaded guilty at the last moment were given 12 weeks suspended .
Prison sentences are rarely given to badger persecutors but the seriousness of this case demanded it.
It was a long drawn out case , it took nearly a full year to come to court, days in court were long and harrowing.
Determination is needed, concentration,a will to see it through. The over whelming thoughts of those poor badgers that were baited and killed remained upper most in my mind throughout.
I'm glad its over and wish the 6 months limit to prison sentences for badger crime was higher.

Since then I've been involved with 3 more cases and so it goes on. North Yorkshire has a bad reputaion for wildlife crime. It is now geting a good hard reputaion for persecuting wildlife abusers. Long may that continue , they need to know if caught here they will be treated with the full force of the law.
The intended badger cull continues to rumble on with the news of 2 trial areas in the south west where badgers are to be culled , free shot in the countryside. This can't be right and should not happen legally.The Badger Trust continue to fight the badgers corner , I just hope they are successful.